Safe Spaces for Students

There are 3 action items we’d like you to take to help students have safe spaces.

Action Item 3: Volunteer to Help Us Defund Bad Politicians By Sending Emails to More Campaign Contributors

Hey there! So, remember that last action item you rocked? You helped to make a real difference by reaching out to some companies who donated to lawmakers sponsoring Anti-LGBTQ laws. We found out that, shockingly, up to 40% of donors to an anti-LGBTQ bill sponsor didn’t even realize what they were supporting. Now, we’re on a mission to get the word out and help people make informed decisions about where their money goes.

We need a few minutes or your time every few weeks to help us alert other donors! We’re going to make it super easy for you to contact companies and encourage them to stop supporting lawmakers who sponsor harmful legislation. Just a few clicks and less than 5 minutes of your time can make a big impact. Plus, we’ll keep you updated on all the progress we’re making together. Let’s do this!